I’m Not in Charge … I Forgot!

“It” started when we moved Brett’s stuff to his new apartment in Iowa. We were at a gas station and I had to use the ladies room. As I was getting out of the car Brett and Gary decided they wanted to eat. As an official “germaphobe” instead of “germing up” my entire purse I just took my little red wallet.

Somehow after I used the toilet my little red wallet that I had safely tucked under my arm pit not only ended up IN the toilet but with absolute horror I watched it OPEN up and credit cards and money started to float out on top of my urine. My heart pounded as I had to touch my own urine to save my credit cards. I think I actually quit breathing. What to do? Should I wash off my money and credit cards? Should I just try to dry them? Should I just cry? Luckily there was a fantastic dryer and I dried every single limp bill and tried to dry off my credit cards. Suddenly I thought I was missing a credit card and in my haste running back to the toilet in fear it was already flushed almost fell on my butt on the water that was spilled from before. An older woman came in and asked what I was doing? I replied, ”Just drying my money!” Like I do this every day for bathroom fun.

Gary had stood by the door and could hear the hand dryer and was trying to figure out what I was doing. We ordered our food and I grabbed some paper hot dog holders and we placed the contents of my wallet in them on the dashboard and with the hot sun they dried out. I thought about how I was in charge and how I had a choice…I could react or respond. React – uses much negative energy and it feels like we go two steps backwards. Respond – uses positive energy and it feels like we go two steps forward. Actually, I think I was side stepping a little bit of both responding and reacting.

Not being in charge continued. “This is a court order and you have to serve” were the words I heard in the first five minutes of my two week jury duty. I had to cancel all my clients, presentations and health fairs. Having a personal need to accomplish, I felt like a fish out of water just sitting in the jury assembly room. When the “green sign” was posted we could leave the room for 5 minutes but when the “red sign” was posted we had to listen for our name to be called for a potential jury. You would start to work on something and the red sign would be posted so you paid attention to see if you needed to gather up your stuff. Not in charge. After two days of this I was placed on the on call status. Every day at 12:15 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. I had to call to see if I needed to report to duty. I was excited as I was that I didn’t have to physically report but the emotional energy of not knowing what I was going to be doing the next day or afternoon was frustrating.

Wednesday evening I was relieved of jury duty and had two whole days to catch up with my life that had been on hold for a week and a half. I would be in charge again of my schedule, except my hard drive on my computer failed and no computer! Not in charge again.

What I am in charge of:

What I do. I am in charge of my health with the groceries I buy, the food I cook and eat. I can live healthfully ever after or not. I am in charge of my time. I keep Saturdays sacred and don’t plan anything unless it sounds extra delicious. Even my closest friends don’t realize that I say “NO” more than yes for most weekends. I am in charge of my energy. I am in charge of how I move my body or don’t! I am in charge of my body language.

What I think. I pick my adjective for who I want to be each day. It does not depend on others. I try not to take things personally. When someone says something amazing I think “They don’t have that tool in their tool box.” People over paper! Danielle invited me to go shopping two days in a row and I had three articles to write. I think family is number one!

Who I give my love to. I give my energy to people who appreciate, acknowledge and respect me. I give my love to people who are fun and positive to be around. I am not in charge of my parents, kids, Gary, neighbors, friends, or speaking and coaching colleagues. I am not in charge of the words that come out of their mouths or their body language. I am only in charge of my beliefs about those words that come out of their mouths.

You are in charge of you and your attitude. With coaching clients we joke about having a brain transplant while we sleep. No one comes during the night and says “You are in charge of the entire world tomorrow!”

Call to Action: Change your “in charge attitude” if it isn’t serving you. It doesn’t take long once you decide. Remember as soon as you decide, your life gets more delicious. You only have one life to live, just imagine if it was one you loved. Remember I am the “go to coach” if your wallet falls into the toilet. I am here to help you be in charge of “it!” With a smile in my heart I type, Chere

Has your wallet fallen into the toilet or something awful happened to you? Did you respond or react? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

I am not in charge of my children’s friend but I would hand pick each of them.

3 thoughts on “I’m Not in Charge … I Forgot!”

  1. Hey Chere, Remember Me? Anywhere – popped in to read your blog and laughed over the “dropped my wallet in the toilet” post. My wallet has dropped in the toilet BIG TIME over the last couple of years. Things I can’t control have caused all kinds of “yucky” consequences that I am trying so hard to overcome. When you were coaching me two years ago I filed for divorce from my second husband, who – through his refusal to get a job, pretty much put me in a financial hole that would reach to China. Throughout the following year – as I struggled to keep the creditors at bay and stay in my house….my oldest daughter, then 14, decided she wanted to go live with her dad in Omaha and that her younger sister, then 11 needed to go to. She proceeded to “throw me under the bus” with her dad, her school counselors, etc. I’m not really blaming her, she’s young and heavily influenced by her dad. Long story short, the more I faught, the more I became the enemy. I was forced to consider the change in physical custody or the girls’ dad was threatening a court battle and putting the girls in front of the judge. The change in physical puts my daughters in Omaha, NE during the school year. It also changed my income by about $2000 per month. I’m trying to file for bankruptcy and desperately trying to hold on to my house. I miss the girls so terribly and I can’t believe that I’m not being allowed to be the kind of mom I want to be. I have learned to live with this situation because I have no choice. And I refuse to play the roll of victim and hold a grudge against the girls or their father. The girls deserve as normal an adolescence as they can possible have. Their dad made every aspect of their life with me difficult. He always refused to compromise if they had an activity and in 6 years in Minnesota he made maybe 4 trips up here to attend activities. I have been to Omaha probably about once every 2 months or so. I have sat down with their teachers and the pricipals of their schools, I have attended parent/teacher conferences and many extra curricular activities. I had to fight to get my name listed as the parent instead of their step-mom and have made sure that their teachers, etc. know that I am active in their lives. But I pretty much die inside every day realizing that I am missing so many days of these wonderful years with my daughters. My question is, how do I get over the feeling that I am a “loser”. Two divorces and my only two daughters chose – no fought – to leave me and go live with their dad. I’m in so much debt that I am drowning and I lost my job last May and am now just working part time and searching for employment. Would love to start my own business but just when I think I have the energy and confidence to start putting plans together, fear and insecurities take over.
    The silver lining is that I am in a wonderful relationship with my best friend. A man who loves me and helps me every day feel better about myself and the situation. But I am too independent to be satisfied with just being “rescued” and he doesn’t really have the means……….So that is my “dropped my wallet in the toilet” story. Can’t control my daughters or my ex-husbands but I can control how I react to the things they do to me. I’m working on it and I think I’m pretty strong the majority of the time – but have moments of weakness.
    Thanks for letting me indulge…….Mighty Mel.

    1. Hi MIghty Mel! I have thought about you often. Focus on abundance and what you want. You attract not which you want but that which you are!
      Focus on your energy. Consider what is an investment in your energy and what is an expenditure.
      Invest wisely. Moving your body is the number one way to get physical energy. Physical energy boosts emotional energy.
      Your best friend is an energy investment! Yes! I am happy you have that relationship Mel! We all have moments of weakness..that is LIFE!
      Positivity is the secret to being happy and we need to have three positives for every negative. Focus on what IS good, great and beautiful
      and you will attract more of that! Here for you with empathy and enthusiasm! Chere

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