September: Beginning Again

Does fall get better than this?

Yes!! September is here … a new beginning!  As the days are getting shorter and the evenings cooler, beach bags are being replaced with backpacks and a “get back to work focus.”

For many people fall signals a fresh start. A time to get back into action!!

I believe the foundation for this thinking was laid back in kindergarten when our lazy days of summer were replaced with activities by the clock. For several weeks now, new schedules have been arriving for classes, football games, volunteer commitments and more. Can you do it all? Wouldn’t it be great to re-evaluate your schedule this fall and look at your life calendar with a fresh start in mind?  First, you need to know the difference between a should and want.


“Shoulds” are those things you think you need to do. They are based on shame or duty and are externally prompted (our ego, spouse, parents, boss, society.) Examples: “I should do this to be a good daughter.” “If I do this, then __ will happen.” “My spouse tells me I need to…” “I should lose weight.” The problems with shoulds are they make you feel like you are doing the right thing, yet they typically aren’t motivating enough to inspire change. This creates a state of continual dissatisfaction. The satisfaction in achievements is short lived. How much of your life are you living versus how much of someone else’s life are you living?


Wants are those things that are important and fulfilling to you. They are based on a craving or desire and are internally prompted.  Wants support your values and the essence of who you are. They provide you with life satisfaction and gratification and a zest to life. For example, you don’t need to exercise, but your quality of life plummets when you don’t exercise. Wants can be motivating. Think …”It is so me!” “I will enjoy this!” “I’m ready to have this!” Wants are full of life and can be fun!September is the best time of year to re-evaluate your wants and “shoulds.” And, no better time for deliberate creation of what you really want in your life.

5 questions

  • What are my top five life values and how do my volunteer activities or social commitments align with those? Do they still match?