5 Tips to Create Space and Attract Exciting New Opportunities

Every possession, relationship, commitments and activities take up your energy.  Often your belongings and relationships no longer represent who you are. Getting rid of the little annoyances can give you a big burst of energy.   A high quality life has more to do with what you remove from life than what you add.

  1. Every week get rid of the ten items in your home that you no longer use, love or have happy memories for you. When in doubt throw it out!
  2. Dump 2 projects that used to sound like a great idea, but now are gathering dust on your desk and in your brain.
  3. Get rid of unnecessary stuff by keeping only two extra sets of anything. (sheets, fry pans, towels…you get the idea)
  4. Block off one hour a week to organize, automate and systemize your work life and one hour to organize your home life.
  5. Dump one or two social activities or volunteer duties you really don’t enjoy anymore.

///photo by stuart miles///