Procrastinators Aren’t Perfectionists

Still procrastinating? Here are two more reasons why we tend to procrastinate and how to get around it.

I’m not sure

Researchers at the University of Calgary have discovered that procrastinators aren’t perfectionists; instead they’re more likely to delay tasks they are not confident about.  They discovered that people are less likely to procrastinate if the task has to be done ASAP and they feel confident doing the task. People are more likely to procrastinate if the task is less urgent, (I still have my winter shoes out in the closet), less appealing (scheduling your annual physical) or daunting to the person facing the task (your taxes?) Find out if you really do lack the skill or you just imagine you lack it and ask someone to help you get it done!

It’s the wrong goal or time

There are two types of procrastination; productive and destructive. Productive procrastination is the wrong time, wrong goal or you don’t have all the information you need.  80% of the time it is not important enough at the moment or the cost is not high enough.  Destructive procrastination if you don’t do it the cost to you is significant and in the grand scheme of life what you are procrastinating is a big deal and if you don’t deal with it you will feel more out of control. You make decisions to not do things you should be doing.  I had a little growth on the back of my neck. My nurse friend said “Come over sometime and I will flick it out. “ (I asked you keep scalpels in your kitchen? The answer was yes! ) Three years later I had to have a plastic surgeon remove it and now have an ugly purple scar! Total destructive procrastination!  Make a list of what you are procrastinating and figure out why – then you have your solution.  Pay close attention to body parts as health is hope and hope is everything. And, I do mean everything!

The crazy busy isn’t going to go away. Half a year will be over when you realize you are frustrated with not getting your stuff done again. Just take a first step. It doesn’t matter which step. Besides you know which step needs to be taken…you know the one you have been putting off. Bottom line…there are only three options; do it, dump it or delegate it.   Don’t forget to schedule your physical today!