The Back to School Balancing Act

Our summer’s lazy days are slowly fading to memory and soon to be replaced with jam-packed school and sports schedules, meetings, homework and busy activities. Here are some quick tips to balance the demands of school, work, family and create time for you!

  1. Identify your top 5 values.

    What are your activities and behaviors that give you vibrant meaning to your life and help you with your decisions? Some examples could include: family, faith, beauty, creativity, financial security, recognition, or travel. Post them on the fridge. Live. Them.

  2. Define your standards of balance.

    Standards are the things you say yes to. Examples could include: Family night one evening each week, no TV or emails after 7 pm, or bed by 10 pm. The more specific your standard the easier to create your boundary.

  3. Analyze your to do list.

    Does your list align with your values? Does your list align with your standards?

  4. Dump perfection.

    Completion is always better than perfect!

  5. Grocery shop on the weekend.

    Have the ingredients in the house on Sunday for three evening meals for your week.


@cherebork #dietitianlifecoach