Blueberry Mango Smoothie

I invite you to join the Savor Your Life Today Fan Page for healthy recipe ideas. Last month’s contest for the best smoothie recipe was won by Mary Ann Edberg. She won the 5 Ingredients for Healthy Living Cookbook with her smoothie recipes for Hot Vanilla Smoothie and Cereal Number Smoothie.

This smoothie is a triple win with two powerful fruits the blueberry and the mango loaded with antioxidants and it takes 5 minutes to make.

1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1 cup mango cubes
1 cup milk
Dash of ground ginger

Combine all ingredients in blender and process until smooth. Makes one serving.
Nutrition: 237 Calories; 2.4 gm Protein; 3.9 gm Fat, 47.9 gm Carbohydrate; 106 mg Sodium

Keep frozen blueberries and mangoes on hand for an easy way to get 2 servings of fruit

Not all blueberries are created equal

Blueberries are full of the powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins. The deeper the color the more cancer fighting anthocyanins. All blueberries are not created equal. The smaller wild blueberries have more skin and less water than the plump cultivated blueberries and more antioxidants. We buy a giant bag of frozen blueberries and add to smoothies, pancakes and yogurt.

Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamins C. One cup of mango as in this recipe provides 100% of your Vitamin C. They are also a good source of fiber. One cup of mango provides 3 gm of fiber. We need about 20 grams a day. Most people don’t realize mangoes have over 20 different vitamins and minerals.