Creative Energy Vibration Alignment Technique


Give this life changing energy technique a try. It only takes a few minutes to set spectacular intentions for your day and watch them unfold before your eyes.

The best way to create a day of positive energy is to start it the evening before. Lie in your bed and direct your appreciation inward. Focus on your bed, your bed linens and your pillow. Recount all the good things that happened in your day hour by hour.

Set your intention to sleep well and to awake refreshed. After you awake, stay in bed five more minutes and think about how you want your day to positively unfold. I think about each special client and the possibilities I envision for them. Or when I have a keynote I feel the “home run hit it out of the park presentation.”

Feel whatever resistance you may have fall away. Feel your vibration rise. (A vibration is a mood or feeling) Shower, eat breakfast and write a list of 5 things you appreciate about your life. If you do this for 30 days I guarantee you will feel a delicious sense of confident well- being and you will attract exactly what you need in your personal and business life.

Remember you need to feel your best and then you can confidently take action to solve any challenge and be your best.