Michele’s Chocolate Bark – The 11th hour Valentine’s gift idea

You were too busy going to work and dropping off kids at school that you forgot it was Valentine’s day?  Cook up this 4 ingredient “foodie love” for your favorite valentine in no time!

But, maybe you love chocolate but feel guilty eating it?? Dump your guilt and faster than you can spell supercalifragilisticespialidocious you will have a healthy little sweet treat with your pantry staples. This recipe is from Michele owner of the Jaide Salon in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Michele enjoys this sweet treat because it has no preservatives like soy lecithin  that many processed foods contain. By the way supercalifragilisticespialidocious means extraordinarily good and wonderful! The best part? Your taste buds will find out!

only 4 ingredients to chocolate bliss
Stir all the ingredients together until the coconut oil is melted.
If you don’t have parchment paper use tin foil to line your pie plate.
Ta da Michele’s Chocolate BarkIf you desire a thinner bark use the baking mat
If you desire thicker bark use the pie plate. I loved the addition of toasted almonds.


  • 4 tablespoons cocoa powder – I enjoy the dark but use whatever you have on hand
  • 4 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey, Michele uses raw honey or you could use stevia, or Truvia or xylitol
  • A sprinkle of sea salt

In a small sauté pan combine the cocoa powder and coconut oil. Melt on low heat, stirring constantly. Add honey and stir for another minute until combined. Remove from heat. Let cool for a minute. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper or a baking mat.  Pour mixture onto lined baking sheet. Or if you want thicker chocolate bark line a pie plate with parchment paper.  Sprinkle sea salt over the bark. Place in freezer for 30 minutes or until hard. Store in the fridge otherwise the chocolate bark will melt.  Tell me what you think!

Variation: You can add a handful of chopped toasted almonds or dried cherries or both. I added ½ cup almonds and roasted them for ten minutes at 350°F and then finely chopped and omitted the sea salt.

Break into pieces and savor!