Fruits and Veggies Can Make You Happier

If you want to de-grump yourself and be happier you may want to eat more apples, or carrots. A study in the UK demonstrated that the more fruits and veggies people ate the happier they were. Those who ate seven servings daily were the happiest. Know I know Gary’s secret! (French fries in case you are wondering don’t count!!)

Read more how  fruits and veggies increase happiness and learn how you can get a free 5 Ingredient for Healthy Living Cookbook

How much do we need?

The USDA recommends adults eat:
  • 1.5-2 cups a day of fruits    can you put a picture of a piece of fruit
  •  2-3 cups of vegetables, depending on your age and sex. Can you put a picture of a veggie?

The Center for Disease Control has found fewer than one person in ten eats this much.

What is your favorite veggie that is easy and quick to prepare and eat? Send me your favorite recipe and your name will be put in for a raffle for a 5 Ingredient for Healthy Living Cookbook.

2 thoughts on “Fruits and Veggies Can Make You Happier”

  1. I’m eating more fruits/veggies while learning to eat healthier/lose weight via Nutrition Weight & Wellness. I love Chere’s cookbook also & recommend it to anyone!
    P.S. There are some errors above on this website with Chere’s instructions to her admin 😉

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