Relationships: Your Secret Ingredient to Better Health and Wellbeing

You see the word relationship and you think of family and friends. Science tells us that people with 5 close relationships report themselves as 50% happier than those with fewer friends.  My friend, Brenda Vatland (see below), is one of the happiest and most caring people I know. With her interior design background, I can count on Brenda to help me, as we like to say, “spend Gary’s money on furniture.”  Brenda is able to give her time and energy to others because she manages her own energy by going to Jazzercise at 5:30 am, eating healthy and not taking stuff personally.

Dan, Nicole, Brenda and Caitlyn enjoyed Hawaii They REALLY enjoyed seeing Clay Matthews and other Packer players during Pro Bowl Week


Relationships oxygenate life. Your most important relationship is your own. Since mid-October, I have struggled with cloudy vision in my right eye. In December I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. Between my cloudy vision and being tired, I lost my zest. My old “Chere days” starting at 7 am and getting to bed around 10:30pm were exhausting.  I did not feel in charge so I decided to take a sabbatical from life. I am saying no to everything and practicing EXTREME self-care. Here’s how:


The first step is to decide you want to manage your energy and invest in self-care

Wanting is good but you need to be willing to act on your plan. Self-care is your personal foundation for a high quality life – a life that begins with you.


Move Your Body

Science tells us that exercise is the number one energy booster. I often say to Brenda, “How can you get up so early to go to Jazzercise?” She replies, “It is fun and makes for a great day.” Exercise is a natural anti-depressant which gets your endorphins going and helps you sleep. The latest research supports breaking physical activity into ten minute blocks, which you can easily do.

Say Yes to NO once day

You have been taught to say “yes” so you can serve and please others. There is nothing wrong with saying “yes” but saying “yes” all the time is NOT an energy optimizer. You only have 168 hours in a week and you only get to spend it once. Spend it wisely.

Get to bed

The average adult sleeps six hours or less. The big myth is that although you can teach yourself to sleep less, you cannot teach yourself to need less sleep. Everything is harder without 7 hours of sleep.

Focus on abundance

What you focus on gets bigger and bolder. My friend, Jane McGinty, and I trade several emails each week simply sharing the abundance in our lives. Create a daily ritual. Recall and record three blessings of your day.  When I focus on abundance, life feels simpler and problems disappear.

Dump perfection

Perfection kills weight loss and for sure kills your spirit. My first job was at the VA Medical Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We could only use black pens. I left the VA in 1981 and I finally let go of writing only with black pen about five years ago. I now focus on my effort and being a “completionist.”

One final idea…

My friend, Kim Beyer, recites this affirmation every day, “I believe something wonderful will happen to me today.” I have started that daily affirmation and I do notice abundance and feel in charge of my life again.  You only have one life to live, imagine if it was one you loved! Better get busy!

2 thoughts on “Relationships: Your Secret Ingredient to Better Health and Wellbeing”

  1. I copied the affirmation and added:

    Surprise me God!

    A few summers ago, I read a book by the same title and said those words every morning. It was surprising what happened when I looked back over my day.


    1. Hey Sandy,
      God surprises to those who find beauty in the things that can’t be seen or touched!

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