Memories of September 11

I remember the day JFK was shot. I was in 2nd grade and my parochial school was let out early. I raced home and remember sitting on my mom’s warm dryer as she tried to erase the fears of the President of the United States being shot. Fast forward to Sept 11, 2001, when I tried to explain the attack on America to Brett, my seventh grader, and Danielle, my tenth grader. We all remember where we were the day our world changed. I made Danielle and Brett record their thoughts of this tragic day.

What Danielle Wrote

Oct 2001: 10th grader Danielle dressed as who knows what for Homecoming.

American under Attack
Tuesday, Sept 11, 2011
Grade Ten

This morning I woke up just as usual and got ready to go to school. When I was at school waiting for the first bell, jenny Chesin came up to me and a bunch of girls and said there was some plane crash at the Empire State Building and it was all over the radio in the car this morning. We all kinda laughed because we thought she was making up some crazy story. But when we all got to class the TV was on and terrifying shots of the World Trade Center were flashing across the screen.  Apparently two planes crashed in to each of the Trade Centers. A lot of us in the class thought it was just some kind of accident we were making jokes about it. Then more breaking news showed up that a plane crashed into the Pentagon. We all got serious and intensely watched what was happening.  Right before the end of our first hour class there was an announcement to turn to our school’s television station because Mr. McCormick the principle had important news for us. He came on and explained to us what had happened earlier this morning and that no one is really sure why this is happening but they it is some kinda of attack on America. But then he reassured us that we are all safe here at school.

Throughout the day we watched the TV in almost all my classes, except for Spanish. But we talked about the events of the day in every class and each class we went to t we learned more and more information about what had actually happened. Like the plane crashed outside of Pittsburgh and they think it was intended for New York or D.C. All the teachers kept telling us to remember exactly the events of the days because this is like when President Kennedy died; everyone wants to know where they were when it happened. They also told us this is the biggest event ever that has happened in our Nation’s history. So we all kept remembering the exact events of the day. During my 6th hour math class there were announcements that a lot of the after school activities were cancelled. My Cross Country meet was cancelled. Everything was cancelled except for football and swimming practice.  I was so confused of what was all happening and all the events of the day that I ended up missing my bus. I eventually arrived home and completed my homework (for History we had to write in our notebook how we felt about the situation) and then spent the rest of the night watching TV and trying to figure out what happened today in the world. It was a terrifying and shocking day that I will remember the rest of my life.

What Brett Wrote

7th grader Brett harvesting our tomatoes. He grew up to make his famous salsa and really loves to cook

American under Attack
Tuesday, Sept 11, 2011
Minnetonka Middle School East
Seventh Grade

I was outside playing basketball and my friend James came out and said, “The World Trade Center was hit by a plane.” So I ran in my house and turned on the TV and saw it on every channel. When I got to school everybody was saying a second plane hit the other tower and the first tower collapsed and people were jumping out of the windows and one guy hit a fire fighter and the fire fighter died. Another plane hit the Pentagon and part of the Pentagon collapsed. It was the newly remodeled part. The FBI thinks it is the terrorist attack.  The planes were hijacked. Lots of panic!!! They think another plan is coming from somewhere and fighter jets were deployed to find it. They think it was Osma Bin Laden. The white house was evacuated. The president is on Air Force 1 his plane and is being guarded by fighter jets. The 3M building was evacuated, as was the Mall of America. Lower Manhattan is covered in ash. National Guard is going to relieve the fire fighters and police officers. In every class I watched CNN for updates. I had gym, choir, science, math, and family and consumer science.  All the teachers said this would be the thing to remember. All after school activities were cancelled. Civil air patrol was canceled too. This will be something to remember. That day I wore jean shorts and my black Quick Silver shirt. That night for supper I had lasagna. This day I will remember the rest of my life.

Chere’s Memories

My day started out routinely with working out. Going into the locker room I was surprised to see a silent gathering of women around the TV watching the first tower explode. The day felt like it had stopped…like we were suspended…fearful of what would happen next. The words “attack on America” didn’t feel right. Fear. Big time fear.

Around 2pm that afternoon I received a call from the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce telling me our family had won the All Expense Paid Weekend Alexandria Getaway. I remember telling the woman it didn’t feel right to win anything that day. She assured me she had pulled my name on Saturday. After studying the Law of Attraction for the past ten years I really feel I am lucky and always enter contests and win often. I attract luck which boosts my self confidence and that makes my life sing.

Bug a Boo Caribbean restaurant in Alexandria, Minnesota Gary and I ordered broiled walleye, Brett first time he ordered Cajun food – pork chops and Danielle had rotisserie chicken. How do I know this? Remember I am a foodie, obsessed with food, and keep a food travel journal.